Q&A with Party Store owner Bruce Campbell

The night skies are starting to get darker earlier, and there is a brisk chill in the air.  The leaves are changing colors, and the cravings for hot apple cider are starting to kick in.  In just a few short weeks, it will be trick or treating time, and for fashionistas around the globe, it’s time to get creative.  Halloween costumes are the best part about October, and today I had the opportunity to speak with Bruce Campbell, owner of the Party Stop and Costume Corner located at 932 South Ave West in Westfield, New Jersey.  Take a look at our Q&A session to get some ideas rolling for what you’ll be wearing as you collect pounds of candy this coming Halloween!

Fashion Forward: Is this your busiest season?

 Bruce Campbell: No, retail wise, yes but historically no.  It’s not like it was last year or even five years ago, the economy has taken a big hit for people.  It’s busy- yes, traditionally not as busy as it’s been in the past.  I make a big chunk of my money during October but this season it’s not happening.  Going against the historical information of the past it’s not as busy as it normally is. 

 FF: How do you prepare the store for Halloween?

 BC: We change all the aisles around to make this a very exciting place to walk through if you want to get costumes.  In addition to that we have a more exciting variety of costumes because it’s year round, not just a month or a short amount of time.  We also have over 10,000 costumes that we rent which are open to people, so that’s prepared year round… we don’t even have to think about that. We dress the store up more, we take away some everyday stuff, and we get into theatrical stuff pretty heavily on the main floor.  We bring solid colors to the back for people when they need it.  We change several aisles to strictly costume and theatrical stuff. 

 FF: What seems to be the most popular costume this year?

 BC: Sarah Palin.  For joking or for serious purposes, I’m not sure.  Barack Obama masks were just sold out, and we also sold out of John McCain masks.  We just got in our Sarah Palin glasses and they look just like hers.  Oh, also Indiana Jones, that’s massive.  Otherwise, you know, it’s always the hot costumes all the young ladies like to wear, the sexy red riding hood kind of thing.  Sexy waitresses or cops, black leather hot pants kind of thing.  Those types of costumes are big.

 FF: Any suggestions on how to get cheap costumes?

BC: Yeah, come to the Party Stop Costume Corner!  I’m telling you, I’ve got costumes that cost me hundreds of dollars that I sell for only $5- $10, really good quality stuff.  We have really great flashy costumes to rent.  We have lots of award winning costumes here.

 FF: What’s in store for this year’s costumes?

BC:  A lot of political stuff.

So, there you have it!  And if you decide to dress as Sarah Palin, make sure not to forget bangs to your brows and soccer mom styled hair!   

 For students who go to Quinnipiac, some other suggestions for costume stores include:

Party City , located 2165 Dixwell Avenue in Hamden

Spirit Halloween, located 1155 North Colony Road in Wallingford

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